Page 73 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 73

Project Approach

           Implementation in the    Detailed livelihoods prole,   Building resilience  of   Climate proong of
           resource poor rain-fed   vulnerability mapping /      small and marginal       watersheds by soil &
           regions of the Salem and   assessment, housing index   farmers (with less than 2   water conservation, soil
           Virudhunagar districts   and need assessment for      ha of land holding),     health improvement,
           of Tamil Nadu.           beneciary identication.    besides landless laborers   productivity
                                                                 and women spread over    enhancement and other
                                                                 an area of 24,556 ha.    climate resilient


                                                    soil health
           Creation of additional                   by arresting top soil           Improved water availability
           infrastructure and                       erosion as well as              through area and
           restoration of                           restoration of                  drainage line
           water sources                            degraded lands                  treatment works such as
           for improving water                                                      check dams, farm ponds,
           availability of                                                          channel deepening, etc
           watersheds in Selam
           and Virudhanagar

            crop productivity                                                     Promotion of
            and enhanced income of                                                alternate
            farmers through alternate                                             livelihoods
            cropping patterns, SRI, farm
            implements, etc                                                       and value chain activities

                                                                           Measures for climate proong of rain fed and
                                                                           small/marginal/landless farming communities

                                                                                          Climate Change Interventions of
                                                                                               NABARD – A Glimpse
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