Page 71 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 71

Project Approach

           Climate Change           Coral and Sea Grass           Deploying 6,000 nos.    Village specic activities
           Vulnerability studies of   Rehabilitation in 4.0 sq.   of Articial Reef       viz., sea weed culture,
           coastal communities and   kms degraded reef and sea    modules of              ecotourism activities,
           ecosystems along the     grass habitat using extracted   Ferro-cement and      provision of
           364.9 kms coast line of   fragments of diverse native   Reinforcement Steel    micro-credit, revolving
           Kariyachalli &           corals (8 - 11 cm size) tied   near Vaan Island.      funds, and nurturing of
           Vilanguchalli Islands of   up with nylon rope to                               the SHGs, etc.
           Gulf of Mannar.          cement slabs (20 cm x 5 cm
                                    x 1.5 cm) to be deployed
                                    under water.


           Coral Reef                                          of low tech and low
                                                               cost Coral Reef and Sea
           and Sea Grass              Climate resilience       Grass transplantation
           Rehabilitation leading     centric planning of      techniques              Scientific conservation
           to improvement in          364.9 km                                         through
           coral cover, fish
           diversity, rejuvenation    long coast line along                            Artificial Reef
           of the habitat, carbon     Gulf of Mannar                                   deployment in
           sink, etc                                                                   semi-circular formation
                                                                                       around Vaan Island

                                                                                  Empowerment of 15 SHGs
            Eco-development activities in                                         per village and extension of
            23 coastal                                                            benefits to about
            villages and enhancement of                                           6,900 women
            income of farmers and women                                           folks

                                                                           Interventions for management and rehabilitation
                                                                           of Coastal Habitats and Bio-diversity for Climate
                                                                           Change Adaptation in Gulf of Mannar,
                                                                           Tamil Nadu

                                                                                          Climate Change Interventions of
                                                                                               NABARD – A Glimpse
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