Page 70 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 70


           Tamil Nadu (1/2)

           Name of the Project: Management and Rehabilitation of Coastal Habitats
           and Bio-diversity for  Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainable
           Livelihood in Gulf of Mannar, Tamil Nadu
           Project Focus: Costline Protection and Management
           Location: Kariyachalli & Vilanguchalli and Vaan Islands of Tuticorin
           District, Tamil Nadu
           Project Finance: Rs. 24.74 Crores (USD 3.71 million)
           Duration: 4 years (2015 to 2019); Extended up to 2020; Completed
           Name of Executing Entity: Department of Environment and Forest,
           Government of  Tamil Nadu
           Project Beneciaries: 6,900 Fishermen in 23 villages of Tuticorin District,
           Tamil Nadu.

           Project Area: Gulf of Mannar encompassing 21 islands, is a marine hotspot of east coast of Tamil Nadu which harbours
           3,600 plant and animal species in 10,500 km2 area. It has diverse marine ecosystems of coral reefs, sea grasses, sea weed,
           salt marshes, and mangroves serving as natural carbon sinks. As per INCAA 2014 report, the surface annual air
           temperature in east coast of India is set to rise by 1.6 to 2.1º C and rainfall is likely to range between 858±85.8 mm to
           1280±204.8 mm. Due to this, it is facing adverse eects like coral
           bleaching, decline in sh diversity and productivity, mass mortality &
           migration of species, and deterioration of ecosystem services ultimately
           aecting the livelihood of the dependent coastal communities. e size of
           the prominent Vaan Island has reduced from 16 ha to less than 5.7 ha in
           last 3 decades.

           e Coral Reefs of many coral
           ecosystems of the world including
           Gulf of Mannar is facing extreme
           climate stresses like variation in sea
           surface temperature, sea level rise,
           increase in cyclone intensity, storm
           surges, variations in nutrient prole,
           etc. To address the coastal ecosystem
           vulnerabilities, the  proposed project
           envisions to develop comprehensive
           climate resilient planning for the
           region, improve coral & sea grass
           cover, promote sustainable sheries
           management and livelihood                                                      Pressure due to
           diversication, improve biodiversity,                                          Unsustainable Fishing Activity
           and build resilience amongst coastal
           communities against changing climatic

                                                          Problem of
                                                          coral bleaching

            Climate Change Interventions of
            NABARD – A Glimpse
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