Page 19 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 19

Project Approach

           Implemented in       Baseline vulnerability   Water eciency   Improved livestock   Promotion of climate
           10 villages of       assessment of the   improvement measures   breeding and     smart farming
           Champawat District   project sites and   like rejuvenation of   management       technologies for
           of Uttarakhand where   community        natural springs,      services and multi   horticulture, protected
           average annual       mobilization are   construction of roof   stakeholder's     cultivation, tree
           income per household   carried out during   top rain water    consultation for   farming, conservation
           is only Rs. 28,000   project planning.  harvesting systems,   capacity building.  of agro-bio diversity,
           (US $476).                              drip and sprinkler                       etc. with the use of
                                                   method of irrigation.                    traditional knowledge.


                                                                  Climate adaptation
                                         Harvested                strategy planned for
                                         22.5 lakh                10 village
           Construction of               liters of rain           clusters of Champawat
           200 nos.                      water through            District of Uttarakhand
           of low cost polyhouses and    Roof Top Rain
           plantation of                 Water Harvesting
           30,000 nos.                   measures                                     Adoption of climate

           of fruit trees along with fodder                                           smart farm practices by
           plantation in 100 ha area                                                  800 families
                                                                                      and rejuvenation of 15
                                                                                      water springs

                  SHGs established under                                        150 nos.
                  the project played                                            of Roof Top Rain Water Harvesting
                  major role by stitching                                       structures and development of
                  thousands                                                     Drip and Sprinkler method in
                  of masks to meet the                                          20,000 sq.m area
                  shortfall during
                  covid-19 pandemic                                  Climate smart interventions for improving the livelihoods of
                                                                     agriculture dependent hill communities

                                                                                          Climate Change Interventions of
                                                                                               NABARD – A Glimpse
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