Page 64 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 64



           Name of the Project: : Mukhya Mantri Jal Swavlamban Abhiyan for
           Climate Change Adaptation and Water Harvesting in Arthuna, Anandpuri
           and Sajjangarh Blocks of District Banswara in Rajasthan
           Project Focus: Water Resource Conservation and Management
           Location: Arthuna, Anandpuri and Sajjangarh Blocks of District Banswara
           in Rajasthan
           Project Finance: Rs. 24.98 Cr (USD 3.74 mn)
           Duration: :  1 Year (2017-2018); Extended upto 2021; Completed
           Name of Executing Entity: Department of Environment,
           Government of Rajasthan
           Project Beneciaries: 70 villages of 3 blocks of Banswara district.

           Project Area: Rajasthan, with geographical area of 343 lac hectare, is the largest State of the country. e Aravali range
           extends from South-West to North-East and divides the state in two parts. Western side of the state consists of ar
           desert, which is almost 60% of the entire area of the state. e annual rainfall also varies from 100 mm in arid west to
           900 mm in South-East. In the state, usually every three out of ve years are aected by drought due to uncertain and
           varied distributions of rainfall. Moreover, due to high intensity of rains and improper water conservation system, a large
           percentage of this rainfall goes waste resulting in continuous depletion of
           water table. Ground water level, on more than 8- percent of blocks in
           Rajasthan, is in the over-exploited or critical zone. is situation has
           adversely aected the crop production. As water table is continuously going
           down, a signicant part of the area under crop production is getting
           converted into wastelands. is is resulting into poor socio-economic
           conditions of farmers of the state.

           Based on a seminal study by Central
           Research Institute for Dryland
           Agriculture (CRIDA), on Vulnerability
           of Indian Agriculture to Climate
           Change, Banswara's vulnerability to
           climate change is categorized as "Very
           High". It's all India vulnerability rank
           is #33 out of 572 districts in the entire
           country- making it highly susceptible
           to climate change. e project intends
           to address the above mentioned                                                 Lack of Water
           vulnerabilities in Banswara district.                                          Harvesting structures

                                                          Considerable time required
                                                          for water collection

            Climate Change Interventions of
            NABARD – A Glimpse
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