Page 65 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 65

Project Approach

           Water storage/         e project has a     Eective involvement    In situ moisture   Sub-projects are
           harvesting structures   innovative structure   of local community   conservation      prepared on the
           are created as a method   of co-nancing    and ample emphasis      works are taken   basis of water
           of drought proong the   component through   given to involve       up for increased   budgeting.
           local community by     convergence of Govt.   corporate, social sect,   resilience of
           creating household &   Schemes.             religious trusts, NGOs,   rainfed crops and
           community storage                           Army, Police , RAC,     grasslands.
           structures.                                 NCC, NSS, various
                                                       stakeholders, general
                                                       public etc in most
                                                       eective way.


                                                        Increase                       Due to availability of
                      Drought proofing of               in production and              harvested rain water in
                      the project areas                 productivity                   the structure,  farmers
                      with enhanced                                                    are able to able to grow
                      water                                                            2nd crop also and
                      availability                                                     60% fallow
                                                                                       land of beneficiaries has
                                                                                       been converted into
                                                                                       cultivable land

            The project has lead to
            increase in incomes of                                                 Due to project
            farmers by                                                             interventions, there is
            33-44%                                                                 10% increase

                                                                                   in cropping intensity

                                                                           Various interventions for climate proong the
                                                                           local communities in Banswara District.

                                                                                          Climate Change Interventions of
                                                                                               NABARD – A Glimpse
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