Page 67 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 67

Project Approach

           Exploration and collection of   Documentation of   Evaluation of     Ex-situ and      Develop climate
           indigenous germplasm. Field   accession and      genetic variants    in-situ          resilient models
           data on agro climatic        establishment of    through             conservation     of traditional
           conditions, plant            eld gene bank.     characterization    in seed bank.    farming system.
           associations, soil                               studies.
           characteristics, altitude
           variations, amount of rain
           fall, etc. collected.

                                                             Planting of
                                                             horticulture crops
                                                             along contour lines in
             Identification of                               450 ha                        Plantation of area
             vulnerable families,      Survey,                                             specific tree species
             Resource mapping          collection,                                         covering
             and development of        characterization and                                1000 ha
             sustainable               documentation of                                    and plantation of
             land use planning                                                             planting of coarse
                                                                                           cereals and pulses in
                                                                                           300 ha

               Traditional Rice Cultivation                                        10 nos.
               and traditional Intercropping                                       of  Aggregation sorting,
               with CC resilent crops                                              grading centre and CSC
               (Seeds) covering                                                    and post harvest
               1000 ha. each                                                       storage facility

                                                                           Interventions for promoting indigenous  varieties
                                                                           and climate resilient farming system.

                                                                                          Climate Change Interventions of
                                                                                               NABARD – A Glimpse
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