Page 20 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 20

Adaptation Fund

           West Bengal

           Name of the Project : Enhancing Adaptive Capacity and Increasing
           Resilience of Small and Marginal Farmers in Purulia and Bankura
           Districts of West Bengal
           Project Focus : Agriculture
           Location : 40 Mouza Villages of Purulia and 22 Mouza Villages of
           Bankura Districts of West Bengal
           Project Finance : USD 2.51 million (Rs. 15.07 crore)
           Duration : 4 Years (2015-2019); Extended upto 2022; Ongoing
           Name of Executing Entity : Development Research Communication
           and Services Centre (DRCSC)
           Project Beneciaries : Direct: 5,000 households encompassing 22,596
           Small and Marginal farming communities; Indirect: 90, 000 farmers

           Project Area : West Bengal, an eastern state of India covers 2.7% of the Indian landmass, supports 9.13 crore country's
           population (7.54 %), and supports 12.3% of the nation's ora and fauna. About 70% of the state's population is
           dependent on the climate sensitive sectors such as agriculture, animal husbandry, horticulture, forestry and sheries
           having a share of 17.4% in total Net State Domestic Product (NSDP, 2012-13).

           e Red and Lateritic Soil Zone of Purulia and Bankura Districts of West
           Bengal has been facing problems like unpredictable rainfall, prolonged dry
           spells, soil erosion, deforestation, distress migration, etc. e project
           districts are home to 2.3 million state's SC/ST population.

           e practices of overgrazing,
           chemical intensive agricultural
           practices, inadequate investment in
           developing basic infrastructure, etc.
           has been causing ecosystem
           degradation and in turn reducing
           national resource dependent
           livelihood opportunities e
           project endeavors to address the
           identied local vulnerability and
           climate risks through livelihood
           diversication, technology
           adoption and sustainable natural
           resource management practices.                                                 ought for the
                                                                                          Future Generation

                                                          Climatic Stress and
                                                          Anthropogenic Pressure

            Climate Change Interventions of
            NABARD – A Glimpse
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