Page 21 - GIZ CAFRI Report
P. 21

Project Approach

           Focuses on vulnerable   Prepared Land &    Climate adaptive and   Reducing climate   Climate resilient
           small and marginal     Water use master    resilient livelihood   risks through timely   technology transfer
           farming communities    plan and            systems through      and appropriate     for enhancing the
           and communities        vulnerability       diversication,      early warning in    adaptive capacity of
           dependent on natural   mapping of natural   technology adoption   local language    the community,
           resources as livelihood   resources.       and natural resource   through Climate   and Learning and
           option.                                    management.          Resource Centers.   Knowledge


                                       Reduction of Climate
                                       Vulnerability of                            Agro advisory through
                                       5,000                                       installation of

                                       households (22,596 beneficiaries)           6             12
                                       of small and marginal farming                             manual
           Publication                 communities                                 automated     weather
           of awareness building                                                   stations and  data collection
           materials and preparation
           of Advocacy films                                                       Delivery of 5-6 crop-weather
                                                                                   advisories per month

           Establishment of Climate                                              Increase in farm productivity
           Resource Centre ,                                                     by 30% for at least
           40                40                                                  60%
                                                                                 beneficiary families
           Weather Kiosks    grain banks,                                        (3,000 HHs) and bringing
           5                 5                                                   300 ha
           seed banks and    fodder banks                                        of fallow land under cultivation

                                                                           Measures for developing climate adaptive and
                                                                           resilient livelihood systems through
                                                                           diversication, technology adoption and natural
                                                                           resource management

                                                                                          Climate Change Interventions of
                                                                                               NABARD – A Glimpse
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